Saturday, May 30, 2009

Update on baby Abigail

Baby Abigail went to be with Jesus, please keep her sweet family in your prayers. Her Aunt Caryn is a babycenter mommy friend of mine, click on the button on the right to read about Abigail.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

busy week!

Samantha & a friend, a Field trip, Trike-A-Thon, t-ball, baseball,

Samantha & Maci

Maci really liked Sams shoes!

Bethany on her field trip having a PET scan! (one week before they started canceling out of County trips for the schools!)

Bethany & her BFF Destiny playing in the HUGE water table!

Bethany making giant bubbles!

Bethany flying the plane

some of her class with her teachers boyfriend, they just love him!

silly kids, how many can fit in a tire?

Bethany & Kayla with the space guy!

Tyler at his trike-a-thon

Tyler and his BFF Hayden

Me and Ty

Tyler playing train with some others

riding laps

Tyler and his class listening to instructions

my 3 little ball players

& their numbers

Bethany & Tylers team the Iron Birds

Ethans team the Lugnuts! (how appropriate!)

Bethany up to bat

Tyler up to bat

Ethan up to bat

Ethan in the outfield

Sam is not very interested in the game!

A Prayer Request

You will notice the new button on my sidebar...this is a friend of mine that I met over at babycenter back when we first had our October 07 babies, although we have never met in person, we would so be great friends if we did! She is a sweet and very wonderful mother of 5 and this baby is her niece...go to Caryns blog to check for updates on this sweet little beautiful baby girl!!!
And dont forget to keep them in your prayers!